
„ The important thing is not to stop questioning ”

Albert Einstein

myregression.com uses a modern algorithm to handle complex examples easily. In addition, each task is performed on the platform without any knowledge of the code, which is very convenient for a wide segment of users. The platform is completely free to use and can be used online and customized on a variety of devices

Yes, this can be done easily. Please refer to the decimal format if necessary. For example: you divide the tenths by a comma or a dot. The platform is usually the most popular numeric format, which means dividing a part by a number.

Yes, you can. To do this, select the option Upload CSV file

Required at this point because CSV file is best for data quality, speed and security

You will receive econometric information related to regression model that you can use to make predictions, comparisons, stats, and other requirements

Results are presented in tabular, textual and graphical form

Yes, you can click the PDF icon in the download field, you can also export Word and Excel formats

Yes it is possible to copy the results and edit the source data, which will cause the results to be edited

Yes it is possible